Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Mystery Draft Process Blog

The process of writing the mystery draft was a little slow but interesting as well. To be honest, I didn't know how my draft was going to come out but as I kept writing the draft, it all started to piece together. I don;t know if anyone would like the way my draft came together but I think it came out pretty good. It was kind of hard to try and hide their motives for certain behaviors of the characters. But, it was fun to play around with their personalities and it was fun to see it all come together. It was challenging but it was something I wouldn't mind doing again.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Blog Response

What I think the point is of writing a fantasy story is to help expand your imagination and help you try something new for a change. I mean, I like to write fantasy stories all the time but mine aren't they typical fantasy story. Mine are way more special because it's my imagination and no one can create an imagination like mine. One of my favorite children's books, when I was younger, were the Percy Jackson series. I loved how they tied in mythology and added their own imagination in as well. I loved the characters, especially Percy and Annabeth. The Legend was an ok film but I hated how the characters made everything sound so obvious. I mean, honestly we get Lily is the innocent girl so stop yelling at her. She is obviously naive and doesn't mean to do half things she did, but as they say, curiosity killed the cat.

Thursday, April 27, 2017


I've recently watched an anime on Netflix that deals with many elements of fantasy. The anime was called Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic. This has many elements such as magic, prophecies, and mages and wizards. The example I will use is Sinbad. He uses many of what we call Djinn Requips. Djinn Requips are when a person who possesses a Djinn, can physically fuse with a human being.

Sinbad has 7 Djinns. Below, will be some pictures of him in his various forms.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Review

The book had filled in a lot of holes that were missing in my heart. For example, I love how they made Edmund the innocent, naive child and Lucy the one who makes the first discovery of Narnia. But, I noticed a parallel between Narnia and England. The Witch is like the German Army, who goes around inducing fear in Narnia which is England. I picked it up as soon as Aslan explained to the children that she wasn't the rightful ruler of Narnia, which also compares to the Germans' behavior at the time, believing that they were the superior race. The Witch personified Hitler. Think about it. Their behavior was similar, if not, in fact, the same. This book fulfilled all of my desires and is truly a great read.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Martian Chronicles Review

There were a lot of tropes in Martian Chronicles. An example of this was the Bee Gun. In that, it was actually a Death Ray but in a sense it was like a portable Death Ray. Another example of the was when the Second Expedition came to Mars. That was like a First Encounter. Of course, the aliens didn't believe them that they were from Earth and didn't respect them as much. Also, they don't have any cooks but they do. I mean, thye have the hot dog stand so they kinda do cook. I mean, this book wasn't giving me something that I found was missing in Dandelion Wine. That was suspense, adventure, the gruesome action of blood, guts and eyeballs. I felt like that was missing a lot. What I leanred is that science fiction is really weird and it has its own surprises.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Martian Chronicles Post #1

The title of the chapter was June 2001:  -And The Moon Be Still As Bright. This story is about when the astronauts from Earth land on Mars and experience their first night there.  A passage that describes the setting is on page 49, paragraph 3, "It wouldn't be right., the first night on Mars, to make a loud noise, to introduce a strange, silly, bright thing like a stove." Another passage that describes it would be on page 48, paragraph 1, "It was so cold when they first came from the rocket into the night that Spender began to gather the dry Martian wood and build a small fire." This passage sounds like it starts it begins the middle of the story and shows it from the humans' perspective. Bradbury uses the setting to comment on the conflict by using the cold atmosphere of Mars, having the humans debate on whether to use the chemical fuel or make the fire handmade. In conclusion, this story was about the struggles of humans on Mars.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Response To Science Fiction Ariticle

This article, How Ray Bradbury's "The Martian Chronicles" Changed Science Fiction (And Literature), shows that science fiction in its entirety is a whole different genre than people back in the 1950's have experienced with. He breaks usual 'traditions' when it came to writing "The Martian Chronicles. Instead of going with the more typical setting of new and advanced technology or having everything look like a utopia, Bradbury starts with more of an "at home" setting. He doesn't go along with what most people think of when they hear the words science fiction. He strays away from that and uses his own imagination to create his story. Ray Bradbury also makes allusions to American history. The article clearly states, "Just as Europeans landed in North and Central America wholly unprepared for what they found there, Bradbury's Earthmen are unprepared time and again for the wonder and the horror of Mars." As you can now see, Ray Bradbury changed science fiction and flipped the script on what a good science fiction looks like.